Tuesday, December 28, 2010

But want to consider from the influence

The sale in now of our country will or the collectors all resist to drive to lead the army personally, will increase the cost of some sale like this.Have some investors moreover be not understand a line very much, there is also the circumstance to is some to blindly invest.So this kind of fierce sale also reflects from an on the side on the scene the our country art object broker system is still not that sound.Faces this kind of to prosper us or wants to calm down, because if measured to speak from the sale, China shoulded have already been regarded as cultural object center in the world.But want to consider from the influence, it hasn,t become core.Because we in fact hardly convene the exposition of type in the world, the sale profession of China still has no ability to be like New York the place like this starts shooting to sell a meeting and prospers in basically still just own circlet son, don,t complete a process of internationalization, this is the problem that needs to be considered.

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